Ohioans against Legalizing Marijuana

Vote NO on Issue 2


Marijuana legalization is closely linked to higher rates of homelessness. Of the top 20 cities in the US for homelessness rates, 19 have legalized recreational marijuana. New York, California, Oregon, and Washington all have 35+ homeless persons per 10,000 residents. Ohio has 9. Those states legalized marijuana. Ohio should not.


Since marijuana legalization in Colorado, the crime rate has increased 11 times faster than the rest of the nation. This is not a race Ohio wants to win.

Traffic Fatalities

Marijuana-impaired driving fatalities have more than doubled in Colorado and Washington, the first two states to legalize recreational marijuana. In fact, in Colorado, traffic fatalities of this kind have increased by 138%.

Teen Suicides

According to a study in the National Library of Medicine, Washington State saw significant increases in deaths by suicide among 15-24 year-olds after the legalization of recreational marijuana. Marijuana is the #1 drug associated with an attempted or completed suicide by a young person in Colorado.

Mental Health

Marijuana use in adolescents is associated with higher rates of depression, psychosis, schizophrenia, and suicide. Ohio’s posterity depends on your NO vote.


The statistics teach us a lesson. Anywhere marijuana is legalized, the quality of life declines. Let’s not become the next case study for how legalizing marijuana ruins a state with increased homelessness, crime, traffic fatalities, and teenage suicides. It can only get worse as marijuana becomes more and more potent. Vote NO on Issue 2.

Paid for by Americans against Legalizing Marijuana.